Validation Errors
Thrown if there is an issue with the format of the request or body.
Request invalid or malformed. Please check for missing parameters, spelling and casing mistakes, and other syntax issues.
"type": "VALIDATION",
"code": null,
"description": "Request invalid or malformed. Please check for missing parameters, spelling and casing mistakes, and other syntax issues.",
"docURL": "",
"statusCode": 400,
"requestId": "5dea93a1-3f79-4246-90c5-89610a20471b",
"resolution": { "type": null },
"suggestedUserMessage": "Your car is temporarily unable to connect to <app name>. Please be patient while we’re working to resolve this issue."
Suggested resolution
You can resolve this error by referring to our API reference and ensuring that you pass all the parameters as specified.
Troubleshooting Steps
Ensure that you spell and case all parameters correctly.
Ensure that your request has the correct content-type (i.e. application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
Ensure that your request has the correct URL and HTTP method.
Suggested user message
Your car is temporarily unable to connect to <app name>. Please be patient while we’re working to resolve this issue.
Your request is formatted correctly, but one or more of the provided parameters is incorrect.
"type": "VALIDATION",
"code": null,
"description": "Your request is formatted correctly, but one or more of the provided parameters is incorrect.",
"docURL": "",
"statusCode": 400,
"requestId": "5dea93a1-3f79-4246-90c5-89610a20471b",
"resolution": { "type": null },
"suggestedUserMessage": "Your car is temporarily unable to connect to <app name>. Please be patient while we’re working to resolve this issue."
Suggested resolution
You can resolve this error by referring to our API reference and ensuring that you pass all the parameters as specified.
For Ford or Lincoln vehicles:
- Please check the coordinates provided for setting a charge schedule are associated with a saved charging location for this vehicle.
Suggested user message
Your car is temporarily unable to connect to <app name>. Please be patient while we’re working to resolve this issue.
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