Build a powerful, personalized EV charging experience

Charge point operators use Smartcar to retrieve state of charge (SoC) data and engage customers with tailored recommendations before they even reach a charging station.  


compatible EV models


compatible EV brands


available countries

Increase charging station utilization

Build an intuitive and driver-centric application experience for finding nearby charging stations, estimating charging times, and effectively planning routes.

  • Eliminate range anxiety by using a vehicle’s SoC to provide accurate recommendations.
  • Use a vehicle’s last known location to optimize route planning.
  • Deliver charging station destinations directly to a vehicle’s navigation system. 

Enroll AC chargers in demand response programs

Enable smart charging capabilities with AC charge points by communicating directly with EVs. Unlock lower charging rates and reward drivers for participating in demand response.

  • Retrieve a battery’s SoC to better optimize charging schedules. 
  • Avoid peak hours and higher charging costs with remote start and stop charge. 
  • Preserve your customer’s battery health by setting EV charge limits. 

Turn EV drivers into happy, returning customers

Attract and engage more customers with solutions that protect driver privacy, unlock charging convenience, improve charger accessibility, and optimize charging costs.

  • Connect to 34 compatible EV brands with one reliable and predictable integration.
  • Ensure data transparency with consent-based data collection.
  • Shorten the EV sign-up and onboarding for higher conversion rates.

What our customers say

We chose Smartcar because of its strong presence in North America, the right amount of engineering capabilities and support, and its reliability and experience as a trusted solution.

Aadam Zaidi

Principal Product Manager

“When looking for an electric vehicle API provider, Smartcar was the only option to fit the bill. Instead of calling out to tons of different vehicle APIs, we only need to call out to one.”

Casey Donahue

Founder at Optiwatt

Estimate charging times

Read the capacity and state of charge (SoC) from your customer’s EV battery. When they are looking to recharge, display nearby stations with estimated charging times.

Monitor charging progress

Let customers monitor their car’s location, charging status, and charging progress right from your app.

Start & stop charging

Determine when to start and stop charging specific vehicles based on the customer’s preferences and the vehicle’s current state of charge and range.

Get & set charge limit

Verify your customer's preferred charge limit and set thresholds during the EV charging session to preserve battery health.

Send charging station destinations

Send the location of charge points directly to the end user’s vehicle navigation system.

Recharge mobile app showing the battery level of the user’s Tesla Model S and a map of nearby charging stations

Download our guide

  • Learn how Smartcar helps EV charge point operators increase utilization of charging stations.
  • Dive into product tutorials and customer stories that explore how to use Smartcar.

The power of Smartcar’s API

Compatible with 29 EV brands

Compatible with 30 EV brands

Smartcar lets you connect to most battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) with a single integration.

Easy to use

Easy to use

Our friendly documentation and SDKs allow you to integrate Smartcar into any mobile or web app within a week. Automatic updates keep your integration up to date at all times.

Instant onboarding

Instant onboarding

With our user-friendly Smartcar Connect flow, your customers can connect new vehicles to your EV charging app in just a few clicks.

Side view of the front half of a gray BMW vehicle with a charging cable plugged into its charge port