error_descriptiontrueThe user’s vehicle is not compatible.
makefalseThe manufacturer of the vehicle.
vinfalseThe VIN of the vehicle.

In order to be compatible, a vehicle must:

  • Have the hardware required for internet connectivity
  • Belong to the makes and models Smartcar is compatible with
  • Be capable of the required permissions that your application is requesting access to
  • If the user’s vehicle is incompatible, Smartcar will let the user know and offer them to share their vehicle’s VIN, make, model, and year with your application.

This error is triggered when a user selects an unspported make, or selects “I don’t see my brand…” and then hits “Back to application”

Vehicle Incompatible

We recommend that your application provides a flow for incompatible vehicles like in the example below.

Vehicle Incompatible

Note: This error will never occur if your application uses the Compatibility API. The Compatibility API verifies the compatibility of a vehicle before the user enters Smartcar Connect.

To test this error, launch Smartcar Connect in test mode and log in with the email and any password.

If you use Single Select, please see the table below for a simulated VIN.
