Tesla: Charge Status
Returns all charging related data for a Tesla vehicle.
This endpoint is currently available for tesla
The vehicle ID of the vehicle you are making a request to.
The rate that the vehicle is charging at (in amperes).
An ISO8601 formatted datetime (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ) for the time at which the vehicle expects to complete this charging session.
The instant power measured by the vehicle (in kilowatts).
Indicates if the vehicle is plugged in
Indicates the charging status of the vehicle
Indicates the level at which the vehicle will stop charging and be considered fully charged as a percentage.
Indicates the max amperage the vehicle can request from the charger.
Indicates the max SoC limit that can be set.
Indicates the min SoC limit that can be set.
Indicates the default SoC limit of the vehicle.
Indicates the amperage requested from the charger by the vehicle.
Energy added in the current charging session or most recent session if the vehicle is not charging (in kilowatts).
The rated range as determined by Tesla added in the current charging session or most recent session if the vehicle is not charging (in kilometers added).
The ideal range as determined by Tesla added in the current charging session or most recent session if the vehicle is not charging (in kilometers added).
The rate of range added in the charging session (in kilometers added / hour).
Standard of the connector e.g. SAE
When charging, indicates if the vehicle connected to a fast charger.
Indicates the type of fast charger.
Indicates the brand of fast charger.
Indicates the max amperage supported by the charger.
The indicator light color of the connector.
Indicates if th charge port door is open.
Indicates if the charge port latch status.
Indicates the charging phase.