MakeRegionConnected ServicePackageSubscription Cost
AcuraUS, CanadaACURALINKRemote3 year free trial (2023 and Newer Models), 6 month free trial (2022 and Older Models). $110/year thereafter.
Alfa RomeoUS, EuropeMy Alfa ConnectMy Car and My Remote3 - 5 years included.
Europe, CanadaAudi ConnectRemoteFree for three years after delivery of a new vehicle. ~£120/year thereafter.
BMWAllBMW Connected-Free trial varies with model year. ~$120/year thereafter.
BuickUS, CanadaOnStarRemote AccessFree trial varies with model year. $14.99/month for standalone Remote Access package.
CadillacUS, CanadaOnStarRemote AccessFree trial varies with model year. $14.99/month for standalone Remote Access package.
ChevroletUS, CanadaOnStarRemote AccessFree trial varies with model year. $14.99/month for standalone Remote Access package.
ChryslerUS, CanadaUconnectSirius XM Guardian (Remote Package)1 year free trial. $12.99/month for the Remote Package thereafter.
CitroënEuropeMy Citroënë-remote services needed for remote commands-
CUPRAEuropeCUPRA CONNECTRemote Access Services3 years free for the Born model, 1 year free for others. Price varies with region.
DaciaEuropeMy Dacia-
DodgeUS, CanadaUconnectSirius XM Guardian (Remote Package)1 year free trial. $12.99/month for the Remote Package thereafter.
DSEuropeMyDSE-TENSE Remote-
FiatEuropeFIATMy Car and My Remote6 month free trial.
USFIAT ConnectAssistance Package3 month free trial with select vehicles. $14.99/month.
GMCUS, CanadaOnStarRemote AccessFree trial varies with model year. $14.99/month for standalone Remote Access package.
HondaUSHondaLinkEV Access for EV Data. Remote Access for CommandsEV Access 8 year trial. $14.99/month for standalone Remote Access package.
HyundaiAllHyundai BlueLink-3 year free trial for new vehicles. $9.90/month per package thereafter.
USHyundai BlueLink (2023 IONIQ 6 & all 2024+)BlueLink+-
InfinitiUSMyINFINITI-1 year free trial. $12.99/month thereafter.
JaguarAllJaguar InControl-3 year free trial. ~$100/year thereafter.
JeepUS, CanadaUconnectSirius XM Guardian (Remote Package)1 year free trial. $12.99/month for the Remote Package thereafter.
US, CanadaJeep ConnectSirius XM Guardian (Remote Package)1 year free trial. $12.99/month for the Remote Package thereafter.
KiaUS, CanadaKia AccessPlus1 year free trial. $149/year thereafter.
EuropeKia Connect-7 year free trial starting on sale to the first owner.
Land RoverAllLand Rover InControl-3 year free trial. ~$100/year thereafter.
LexusUS, CanadaLexus EnformREMOTEFree trial up to 3 years, varies with model year. $80/year thereafter.
LincolnUSLincoln Way--
MercedesAllMeConnect-1 year free trial. ~$15/year there after.
MiniAllMini Connected-Free trial varies with model year. ~$120/year thereafter.
MazdaUS, EuropeMyMazda-3 year free trial. Pricing thereafter has not been established.
NissanUS (non-Leaf)NissanConnect ServicesConvenience6 month free trial. $8.00/month thereafter.
US (Leaf)NissanConnect EV ServicesConvenience6 month free trial. $8.00/month thereafter.
EuropeNissanConnect-Free trial varies with model year. ~£1.99/month thereafter.
OpelEuropemyOpele-Remote services needed for remote commands-
PeugeotEuropeMYPEUGEOTE-REMOTE CONTROL needed for remote commands-
PorscheUS, EuropeMy Porsche1 year free trial after initial purchase. $299/year there after.
RAMUS, CanadaUconnectSirius XM Guardian (Remote Package)1 year free trial. $12.99/month for the Remote Package thereafter.
US, CanadaRam ConnectSirius XM Guardian (Remote Package)1 year free trial. $12.99/month for the Remote Package thereafter.
RenaultEuropeMy Renault--
SkodaEuropeMySKODACare Connect~£36/year.
Subaru (excluding Solterra)USMySubaruSTARLINK Security Plus6-month free trial. $4.95/month thereafter.
Subaru SolterraUSSolterra ConnectRemote ConnectOne-year trial included, $8/month after trial.
ToyotaUS, CanadaToyota Connected ServicesRemote Connect1 year free trial. $80/year thereafter.
VauxhallEuropemyVauxhalle-Remote services needed for remote commands-
VolvoAllVolvo Cars-Free trial varies with model year. ~$200/year thereafter.
VolkswagenUSCar-NetRemote Access-
Europe (non-ID) 2018 - 2022Car-Net--
Europe (non-ID) ≤ 2023We Connect--
Europe (non-ID) 2024+VW Connect--
Europe (ID) Firmware <3We Connect Start--
Europe (ID) Firmware v3+We Connect ID--



  • Owners will need to ensure they’re the Primary or Key user for the vehicle connected to their account in order to access all Smartcar functionality.

Ford and Lincoln

  • Owners that use a username to login to their connected services app will need to migrate to using their email address under account settings in their Ford Pass or Lincoln Way portal.


  • Chevy Bolts MY 2020+ come with the EV Mobile Command service included for 5 years with the purchase of a new vehicle. Location data is not included in the package. Bolt owners will need to also subscribe to Remote Access to be able to get access to location data.

  • For all other OnStar accounts, we require the modern Remote Access plan as our base subscription. This plan comes with the Vehicle Status feature set, which is what enables our remote access to data from cars. More information can be found in this PDF.

  • There are certain legacy OnStar accounts floating around with similar names. A good check on whether a customer has the correct plan or not is the ability to view vehicle information like fuel level, EV battery level, odometer, or tire pressure from within their vehicle’s mobile app.

Nissan US

  • Convenience features are included as part of the Premium package.


  • The Remote Connect subscription is tied to the audio package purchased with the vehicle. Compatible audio package availability is determined based on the trim of the vehicle model and varies model year to model year. Toyota provides PDFs for Remote Connect availability here.


  • For all Uconnect accounts, we require the ability to interact with vehicle information through the UConnect portal

  • A Uconnect account may have access to Mopar, but not all Mopar accounts have access to UConnect. If a user can see information in Mopar but not UConnect, they’ll need to reach out to UConnect support to set up the right UConnect plan for their vehicle.

  • 2021+ Jeeps have their own connected service - Jeep Connect

  • 2022+ Rams have their own connected service - Ram Connect

  • 2022+ Jeep Wagoneers have their own connected service - Wagoneer Connect

  • Canada has limited support listed here

Volkswagen ID Series

  • Model year 2021 and certain 2022 Volkswagen ID vehicles require an upgrade to vehicle software version 3 which will allow you to get location and odometer data. This is a requirement for both US and European vehicles.


The following models are not currently compatible with Smartcar:

  • 2021+ : XC40 Recharge

  • 2022+ : S90, S90 Recharge, V90, V90 Recharge, V90 Cross Country, XC60, XC60 Recharge

  • 2023+ : All models with the exception of the XC40