July 26, 2023

The following brand-specific endpoints are now available for Tesla vehicles in Canada, the United States, and our supported European countries:

  • GET /tesla/charge/records
  • GET /tesla/charge/records/billing

July 19, 2023

Smartcar is now compatible with Mercedes-Benz vehicles in our supported European countries.

July 12, 2023

The following brand-specific endpoints are now available for Tesla vehicles in Canada, the United States, and our supported European countries:

  • GET /tesla/charge/schedule
  • POST /tesla/charge/schedule
  • GET /tesla/climate/cabin
  • POST /tesla/climate/cabin
  • GET /tesla/climate/defroster
  • POST /tesla/climate/defroster
  • GET /tesla/climate/steering_wheel
  • POST /tesla/climate/steering_wheel