Charge Schedule by Location
Set all schedules for the specified charging location.
This endpoint is currently available for ford
and lincoln
In order to set a schedule, you must use a location from the GET Charge Schedule by Location
If the location you want to manage is not in the response, the vehicle owner has not charged at that location within the last 90 days and it has been
removed from their app’s saved charging location list.
The vehicle ID of the vehicle you are making a request to.
The make of the vehicle you are making a request to.
The longitude of a charging location from GET Charge Schedule by Location
The latitude of a charging location from GET Charge Schedule by Location
The maximum charge limit for the vehicle at the location as a percent between 0.5
and 1
The weekday and weekend charging schedules for the vehicle at the location.
The charging schedule for the vehicle on weekdays (Monday - Friday).
The exact hour a vehicle should start charging in HH:00 e.g. 17:00.
The exact hour a vehicle should stop charging in HH:00 e.g. 21:00.
The charging schedule for the vehicle on weekends (Saturday - Sunday).
The exact hour a vehicle should start charging in HH:00 e.g. 17:00.
The exact hour a vehicle should stop charging in HH:00 e.g. 21:00.
If the request is successful, Smartcar will return a message.
If the request is successful, Smartcar will return success
Example Request Bodies
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