September 26, 2019

Introducing Brand Select

Adolfo Portilla

Software Engineer

Today, we're excited to launch Brand Select, a brand-new Pro plan feature that speeds up the onboarding process and increases conversions in the Smartcar Connect flow.

What is Smartcar Connect?

For those who aren't familiar, Smartcar Connect allows your customers to link their vehicles to your application. It lets customers select their car brand, sign in with their username and password, and grant your application access to a list of permissions (e.g. access vehicle location, read odometer, and lock/unlock car doors). Once the Connect flow is complete, your application can start making API requests to your customer's vehicles.

Introducing our brand-new Pro plan features

Smartcar Connect will soon features an exclusive set of Pro features that makes linking cars to an app even faster and easier. Starting today, our Pro plan customers will have access to the first of three features, which we'll launch over the course of the next few weeks.

First up: Brand Select

The very first of our Pro features is Brand Select. It allows you to simplify the user experience, speed up onboarding, and increase conversions during Smartcar Connect. Here's how it works.

The usual Smartcar Connect flow (left) and Smartcar Connect with Brand Select (right).

Usually, Smartcar Connect starts off by letting customers select their vehicle brand. However, you might already know the brand of the vehicle(s) that your customer is linking to your app. In those cases, Brand Select lets customers skip the "Select your brand" step, taking them straight to the vehicle login screen.

With fewer clicks, fewers steps, and a shorter time to completion, Brand Select makes the Smartcar Connect flow faster and easier, while increasing conversions by up to 20%.

Schedule a demo to learn more about Brand Select, and stay tuned for updates about further Pro features!

Alles wat je moet weten over auto-API's. Maandelijks geleverd.

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