Bewegingsvrijheid voor iedereen ontsluiten

Lees meer over de missie, het team en de investeerders van Smartcar.

Onze missie

Bewegingsvrijheid voor iedereen ontsluiten

Bij Smartcar worden we gedreven door een eenvoudige maar krachtige missie: het ontsluiten van bewegingsvrijheid voor iedereen. Wij zijn van mening dat gelijke toegang tot mobiliteit meer is dan alleen gemak — het is een modern recht. We stellen ons een wereld voor waarin mobiliteit barrières overstijgt, waar elk individu, ongeacht zijn achtergrond of omstandigheden, kan genieten van de voordelen van onbeperkte mobiliteit om zijn leven te verrijken. Transport gaat immers niet alleen over het bereiken van punt A naar punt B; het gaat ook om economisch succes, onafhankelijkheid en persoonlijke ontplooiing.

Smartcar speelt een cruciale rol bij het mogelijk maken van bewegingsvrijheid door de toonaangevende API voor verbonden auto's te bieden. Onze API maakt eenvoudige integratie met auto's mogelijk, wat innovatieve mobiliteitsapps en -oplossingen mogelijk maakt die levens verbeteren. Of het nu gaat om het helpen van individuen om toegang te krijgen tot vervoer, geld te besparen op autoverzekeringspremies, een inkomen te verdienen via autodeelbedrijven of bij te dragen aan ecologische duurzaamheid door het gebruik van elektrische voertuigen, Smartcar biedt een breed scala aan innovatieve oplossingen die individuele en collectieve mobiliteitservaringen verbeteren.

We zijn ook voorstander van keuzevrijheid voor bestuurders van voertuigen, zodat ze de controle over hun gegevens behouden en tegelijkertijd toegang krijgen tot een breed scala aan mobiliteitsoplossingen die zijn afgestemd op hun behoeften. Ons platform geeft prioriteit aan een op toestemming gebaseerde benadering waarbij privacy voorop staat, zodat individuen de volledige controle over hun gegevens behouden en erop kunnen vertrouwen dat hun privacy wordt beschermd. Door gezamenlijke inspanningen tussen autobezitters, autofabrikanten en ontwikkelaars stimuleren we innovaties die onze manier van bewegen opnieuw definiëren, waarbij we tegelijkertijd prioriteit geven aan de keuze van de consument, transparantie, privacy en veiligheid.

We zetten ons in om positieve veranderingen teweeg te brengen en een blijvende impact op mobiliteit na te laten, effenen we de weg voor een toekomst waarin bewegingsvrijheid van iedereen is.

Ontmoet het team


CEO & Co-Founder

Quintessential early adopter. Perpetual hiker. Smartcar evangelist.


Chief Technology Officer

Tech and car enthusiast. Former swimmer and water polo player, now into mountain biking, running, and outdoor adventures. Proud dad of 3 boys and a Swiss exchange student. Wine and culinary connoisseur of all things pescatarian.


VP of Partnerships

Friends and family event maestro. F1 fanatic. Netball rookie. Too old for bad wine. Culinary adventurer. Board game aficionado. Always orchestrating, cheering, exploring, and challenging!


Director of Finance

Weight lifting enthusiast. Budding vegetable gardener. Aspiring writer. Horror movie lover. Cat mom.


Director of People

Creative assistant to Napa the Yorkie. Avid multitasker. Enjoys mango boba.


Director of Product

Venezuelan-American with too many hobbies. Tell your dog I said hi. #GirlDad


Director of Experience Engineering

Weekend traveler. Amateur runner. Loves family, food, and good design.


Senior Director of Engineering

Self-proclaimed hot sauce connoisseur. Ardent musician. Perennially in search for problems to solve!


Senior Sales Strategy and Operations Manager

Brit living in America. Loves cooking, running and jazz. Self proclaimed master scone maker!


Strategic Account Manager II

Relationship Builder. Avid Listener. Sports and Coffee Enthusiast.


Senior Strategic Account Manager

Philly transplant, podcasts, pilates. Happiest lakeside in Skaneateles.


Senior Account Executive

Girl mom of 2, tennis fanatic, sunrise beachgoer, backgammon nerd, and cat lover.


Senior Account Executive

Weekend cycling spandex warrior. Likes pizza and working out in equal measure. No relation to Royalty (that we know of).


Senior Account Executive

Arsenal fan. Cat dad. Very amateur golfer. Takeaway lover. Occasionally likes to nerd out on space and Harry Potter.


Senior Product Manager

Rugby fanatic. Cold Brew junkie. Fried Chicken Sandwich connoisseur.


Senior Product Manager II

Green thumb, too many pets, avid painter.


Business Intelligence Analyst

Fascinated by whales. ISO the best turkey sandwich. Patient Cleveland Browns fan.


Senior Product Designer

Trivia enthusiast and video game junkie. Can (and will) talk about cats and food for hours.


Support Engineering Manager

Part-time Dungeon Master. Full time movie fanatic. Free time is mostly spent in a movie theater with a diet coke in one hand and popcorn in the other.


Senior Product Marketing Manager III

Avid traveler and coffee drinker. Admirer of his dog's lifestyle. Always up for a game of squash.


Senior Demand Generation Marketing Manager II

A Canadian in Texas. Girl mom. Lover of fiction and Chardonnay.


Senior Marketing Manager, Content & Brand

Avid reader of fiction and sociology. Pasta enthusiast. Loves the gym and long runs.


Engineering Manager

Weekend chef. Guitar apprentice. Aspiring dire wolf owner.


Staff Infrastructure Engineer

Linux user since before it was cool. Eats Chipotle everyday. Brews his own beer.


Senior Software Engineer

Cup noodle devotee. Ballet nerd. Hates mushrooms.


Senior Software Engineer

Amateur sky diver. Chocolate chip cookie monster. Pokémon Master in training.


Senior Software Engineer

Aspires to visit all the national parks. Occasionally swaps laptop for sketchbook and pencil.


Senior Software Engineer

Professional dad and husband. Amateur soccer player. Enjoys coffee and beer. Laptop sticker collector. The fastest coffee brewer of the Southwest.


Senior Software Engineer

Home automation and open source enthusiast. Avid traveler and perpetual learner.


Software Engineer II

Husband and Father. Aspiring carpenter. Textbook overthinker, I think.


Software Engineer II

Linux distro hopper. Travel junkie. Not to be trusted around ice cream.


Software Engineer II

Fails to hit the gym consistently. Addicted to buying games, not playing them. Secretly the Flame Hasira.


Software Engineer II

Compulsive doodler. When not coding, can be found lifting heavy objects. Fatal flaw: uses light mode.


Software Engineer

Lover of lemons and everything sour. On a perpetual journey of building the coolest home desk setup. Lover of kabobs. Taught his dog the word "kabob" means treat, just so they would be on the same page.


Software Engineer

Scared of birds. Average surfer. Meme enjoyer.


Software Engineer

Board game collector. Loves food adventures. Regrets asking for the spiciest level.


Chief Puppy Officer

Also known as “Leave it” and “Drop it.” Expert at playing fetch and destroying shoes. Still learning to be the goodest boy.

Napa the Yorkie

Chief Barketing Officer

Foodie. Attention seeker. Professional Instagrammer.


Product Pawtfolio Manager

Currently on a mission to dig a hole to the earth's core.


Junior QA Tester

Aspiring Masters Agility Champion. Life motto: play hard, nap harder.


In-house Crossfit Instructor

Tug of war professional. Has serious hops. AKA Bubby.


Chief Fluffy Officer

ESFP. Doubles as a vacuum. Enjoys eating grass with a side of dirt.


Greeting Committee

Addicted to long naps and licking. Super-power is his puppy dog eyes. Says hi to anyone, especially in cramped elevators.


Backend Barker

Pet Stack: speak, handstand, pray, sit pretty.


Bark-end Engineer II

Adventurous. Frisbee prodigy. Cuddles to 20 mph in 1.2 seconds.


Cat Information Officer

Will sit in front of monitor to ensure work is getting done. Enjoys sun tanning. Likes ham.


Box Inspector

Swallows kibble whole. Tall enough to open closed doors. Has been on a diet for 5 years.


Chief Frisbee Officer

Always on the hunt for alternative frisbee use cases.


Chief Interruption Officer

Perpetual distractor. Originally from Greece. Loves carrots.


Scruff Master

She’s the scruffiest pedigree pooch in the world.


Cat-Tracking Engineer

Hide your kids. Hide your cats. They will be chased.


Senior Snooze Analyst

Sleepy. Hungry. Repeat.


Jouw droomrol

Doe met ons mee en bouw aan de toekomst van mobiliteit!

Bekijk openstaande vacatures

Onze investeerders

Andreessen Horowitz
New Enterprise Associates
Energize Ventures

Onze bestuursleden

Bill Krause

Andreessen Horowitz (a16z)

Tiffany Luck

New Enterprise Associates (NEA)

John Tough

Energize Ventures

Sanketh Katta
