August 19, 2020

Smartcar & Black Tech Unplugged

Mathilde Patmon

Director of People

Today, we’re excited to announce our partnership with Black Tech Unplugged.

What is Black Tech Unplugged?

Black Tech Unplugged was created by Deena McKay. As a Black woman who often found herself as the “only one” in many scenarios she felt alone in the tech scene. Therefore, she founded the podcast Black Tech Unplugged to share success stories and resources to help guide people on their tech journey! She has since branched into creating Youtube videos and hosting webinars.

What does this partnership mean?

Smartcar will collaborate with Black Tech Unplugged by hosting several webinars and podcasts together. We’ll be sharing tips and tricks around topics like “How to land a job that you don’t have work experience in,” “How to network remotely,” and more.

How can I participate?

Come join us for our first event on August 20 at 5 p.m. PST, where Smartcar’s Ashwin Subramanian and Mathilde Patmon will be discussing tips around landing your dream job with limited work experience.

Stay tuned for further Black Tech Unplugged events and more Smartcar collaborations to come!

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