December 3, 2019

Announcing batch requests (production)

Adolfo Portilla

Software Engineer

Today, batch requests are leaving beta and are now available as a Smartcar Pro feature. 💐

Combining multiple API requests

Smartcar batch requests allow your application to bundle multiple API requests into a single request. For example, instead of sending separate requests to Smartcar's odometer and location API endpoints, you can now combine these and all other GET requests into a single request. Smartcar's response will contain data for each of the desired endpoints:

Saving time and overhead

Many of our customers have already starting using batch requests while it was available in beta. For example, Turo uses batch requests to retrieve a vehicle's location, odometer reading, and fuel tank level with a single API request.

We recommend using batch requests whenever your application wishes to retrieve multiple data points from a vehicle at the same time. For example, if your auto insurance application checks the location and odometer of a vehicle once per day, you can now combine those two consecutive requests into one single request, resulting in less overhead for your application and a faster response time from the Smartcar API.

Starting today, batch requests are available to all our Pro plan customers. If you are currently a free plan user and would like to request access, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Alles wat je moet weten over auto-API's. Maandelijks geleverd.

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