Planes para lanzar y ampliar su negocio

Los planes de Smartcar están diseñados para adaptarse a sus necesidades, ya sea que se trate de una empresa emergente o de una empresa de la lista Fortune 500.



  • Standard APIs

  • Vehicle Simulator

  • 1-day log history



Everything in 'Free' plus...

  • Make-specific APIs

  • Custom App Logo

  • 7-day log history


Let's talk

Everything in 'Build' plus...

  • Managed onboarding

  • 30-day log history

  • Priority support


Let's talk

Everything in 'Scale' plus...

  • Single select

  • Brand select

  • 365-day log history

  • Log export

  • Webhooks access

  • Beta early access

  • Fastest response times

  • SLAs/Certifications

  • Volume discounts

See complete feature comparison

Compare our plans




Contact us

Connected vehicles


Pricing is based on the number of connected vehicles.



Up to 100

up to 500

100 minimum


500 minimum

Simulated vehicles

Up to 5

Up to 10



API calls per month


per vehicle/month


per vehicle/month



Platform features



We offer API SDKs for Go, Java, Node.js, Python, and Ruby.

Standard endpoints

Retrieve standard vehicle data and trigger standard actions through API requests.

Batch requests

Batch requests allow you to make requests to multiple API endpoints with a single request.

Brand-specific endpoints

Brand-specific endpoints allow developers to access even more information from vehicles if that information is available.

Compatibility API

Compatibility API, based on VIN or region and brand, allows you to verify a vehicle's eligibility before directing a user through Smartcar Connect.


Connect SDKs

We offer Connect SDKs for Android, iOS, JavaScript, and Flutter.

Consent management

The Smartcar Connect flow lets you collect user consent in just a few clicks.

Easy password reset

Incorporate a user-friendly password reset flow into your application for each car brand.

Connect insights

Analyze user interactions at key stages of your Connect flow to easily troubleshoot issues by examining individual sessions.

Brand filter by engine type

Customize the vehicle brands you want to display in Connect through the Dashboard.

Appearance customization (logo and app name)

Provide a seamless user experience by adding your own logo to Connect.

Appearance customization (display theme)

Provide a seamless user experience by customizing the display theme in Connect.

Require app permissions

Allow vehicles to be compatible with required permission in Connect.

Control new brand releases

Advanced brand controls

Conversion funnel

Gain visibility into conversion rates within your Connect flow to pinpoint user drop-off.

Country filter

Customize the countries you want to display in Connect through the Dashboard.


SSO with Google



Visualize your vehicle integration data through interactive charts and graphs.

Vehicle list

Browse, sort, and filter a detailed log of endpoint requests, status codes, and errors by vehicle.


Invite others to collaborate and help you get your application up and running faster.

Team roles

Ability to invite users to an application as an admin, editor, or viewer.

Vehicle request logs

Browse, sort, and filter a detailed log of endpoint requests, status codes, and errors by vehicle.

1 day

7 days

30 days

365 days

API request logs

Analyze the types of requests, total number of requests, and error rates for each vehicle.

1 day

7 days

30 days

365 days

Logs filter

Logs export

Scheduled webhooks

Create and manage scheduled webhooks.

Number of apps






SOC 2 Type 2

Smartcar is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant. SOC 2 Type 2 is an independent audit report which details information and assurance about Smartcar’s controls.

ISO 27001 & ISO 27701

Smartcar is ISO 27001 & ISO 27701 compliant, ensuring top-tier information security and privacy management.


Smartcar is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the digital privacy legislation that aims to give citizens of the European Union more control over their personal data.

Annual penetration testing

Each year, Smartcar undergoes annual penetration testing (pen test), designed to expose flaws in our security system and check for potential vulnerabilities that may be exploited during a cyberattack.

Security assessment

Smartcar will answer compliance questionnaires.







Please send support requests to


Managed onboarding

Dedicated Solution Architect during the first 90 days. We will help your team understand, scope, and implement Smartcar API.

Strategic account manager

Our team can assist with RFPs, support go-to-market initiatives, conduct quarterly business reviews, and more.

Priority response

Displayed hours represent the average first response time on weekdays: 12 AM - 5 PM PST (8 AM - 1 AM GMT).

24 hours

4 hours

Shared Slack


Multiple payment methods


Supported currency





Seguro y compatible

Construye con confianza con Smartcar. Todos nuestros planes incluyen seguridad, privacidad y localización de nivel empresarial.


Smartcar cumple con el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (GDPR). Smartcar es una plataforma basada en el consentimiento que procesa solo los datos necesarios para atender a nuestros clientes.

Cumplimiento de SOC 2 tipo 2 e ISO

Smartcar cumple con el SOC 2 de tipo 2 con los criterios de los servicios de confianza de seguridad y disponibilidad.

Smartcar también cumple con las normas ISO 27001 e ISO 27701, lo que garantiza una gestión de la privacidad y la seguridad de la información de primer nivel.

Cifrado de datos

Todas las solicitudes a los servicios de Smartcar deben comunicarse a través de HTTPS y todos los datos almacenados en la plataforma Smartcar están protegidos con el cifrado AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) de 256 bits.

Monitorización y actualizaciones

La API Smartcar se monitorea constantemente para garantizar el tiempo de actividad de la plataforma y de todas las integraciones. Nuestros sistemas de notificación de errores en tiempo real permiten a los ingenieros de Smartcar detectar y abordar rápidamente los posibles problemas, garantizando un servicio ininterrumpido.

Pruebas de penetración

Smartcar se somete de forma rutinaria a pruebas de penetración y análisis de vulnerabilidades por parte de una empresa de seguridad independiente para validar la integridad de nuestros sistemas y servicios.

Infraestructura de red

La plataforma Smartcar está alojada en una infraestructura de nube estándar del sector para garantizar el máximo rendimiento, resiliencia e implementación de nuestros servicios.

Únete al Smartcar Garage

Nuestro programa Garage ofrece a las empresas emergentes en fase inicial los recursos para poner en producción su primera aplicación. Este programa solo está disponible para los nuevos clientes de Smartcar.

¿Quién es elegible?

  • Startups de menos de 2 años
  • Financiamiento de menos de 1 millón de dólares
  • Emplea hasta 5 personas

¿Qué está incluido?

  • 50% de descuento en el plan Scale durante 6 meses
  • Acceso a la lista Mobility VC de Smartcar

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