The Smartcar team wishes everyone a Happy New Year! What have we been up to for the past 12 months? Have a look at the photos below to find out.
Team offsite at the California Academy of Sciences.
Our winning team who built the best car app using Smartcar at YHack (Yale University).
An awesome group of UC Davis students who built on our API at SackHacks.
Engineering Lunch at Shoreline Lake in Mountain View.
Halloween offsite!
HackHarvard at Harvard University.
Demo Day at UC Berkeley.
Connected Car Hackathon at Hackbright Academy in San Francisco.
Office move!
July - August
Our first developer workshop at NEA (New Enterprise Associates).
Team offsite at Twin Peaks in San Francisco.
Demo Day at Smartcar HQ in Mountain View.
May - June
Our Chief Happiness Officer.
The Smartcar team.
Successfully escaping a room at our team offsite.
Attending Michelin’s Movin’On conference in Montreal.
March - April
Travelling to Paris!
January - February
Attending CES in Las Vegas.
Smartcar enables developers to locate and unlock cars with an API. Want to take our product for a spin? Check out our docs and get started with our demo app! Have any questions or feedback? Shoot us an email! 🚀